Dissertation projects for the MSc by Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics
Below are some of the MSc(R) projects for this coming year. However, we encourage prospective MSc(R) students to speak with as many of our academic staff, as early as possible, to find out what we do and to see if there are possible MSc(R) projects available - this list is unlikely to be comprehensive and research projects can quickly become out-of-date.
Prospective students should contact potential supervisors when they apply for admissions. Usually, projects are allocated when offers are made but can be changed within the first weeks of the start of the programme. Please contact the MSc(R) course director, Laura Wolz if you have any questions.
Explore the 3d Milky Way
Supervisors: Albert Zijlstra, Iain McDonald
The GAIA satellite is in the process of mapping the precise position and motion of nearly every star in the Milky Way. It is measuring the parallax of every star and uses this to obtain an accurate distance. The GAIA DR3 catalogue (2020) contains 2 billion stars. An example of its use is at 'Our solar neighbourhood' video.
The current project aims at creating accurate 3-d HR diagrams (the third dimension being the location in the Milky Way) by deriving the temperature and luminosity for each star it this catalogue. This requires combining available photometry for each star from other catalogues, and fitting model atmospheres to the spectral energy distribution.
The results can be used to identify stars of particular interest, for instance stars with circumstellar dust fro their formation or their final evolution, or the study of interstellar extinction. Depending on the interest of the student, the focus can be on the software development or on the analysis.
Bayesian deep-learning for radio galaxy classification
Supervisor: Anna Scaife
Standard neural networks optimise point-wise estimates of the weights for each of their neurons. In contrast Bayesian neural networks assign a probability distribution to each weight instead of a single value or point estimate. These probability distributions represent the uncertainty in the weights and are propagated through the network to provide an uncertainty on the final predictions. This has been reported to reduce over-fitting to specific training data sets and to allow such networks to train more general models from fewer data samples. However, previous applications of fully Bayesian neural networks to radio galaxy classification have shown that such models suffer from a "cold posterior" problem, where the complexity cost in the loss function needs to be down-weighted in order for the model to perform well. One possible reason for such an issue is that the likelihood probability has been mis-specified in the model due to the way in which the training data are labelled. Such likelihood misspecification can be a consequence of "consensus" labelling, where the labels on the training data have been assigned as average or modal values from a set of individual expert labels.
In this project the student will create a tool to relabel the MiraBest radio galaxy data set using individual information from a range of experts and use those labels to examine whether the cold posterior problem previously observed when training with this dataset can be explained/mitigated by retaining a full set of individual labels, rather than using the consensus values to label data. This project will require good computing skills and previous experience with Python/PyTorch is desirable.
Building a radio experiment to observe the Cosmic Dawn
Supervisor: Phil Bull
Cosmic Dawn - the time when the first stars and galaxies switched on, a few hundred million years after the Big Bang -- remains shrouded in mystery. This is mainly due to the difficulty of making observations of this period, as bright sources are rare and very far away. A promising observational probe that can access this part of cosmic history is the 21cm line from neutral hydrogen, which has since been strongly redshifted to radio frequencies of around 70 - 100 MHz, and is relatively faint. Unfortunately, it is also heavily obscured by the bright "foreground" radio emission from our own Galaxy and others nearby. By observing at these frequencies with a very precisely calibrated radio spectrometer, we can hope to disentangle the foregrounds from the 21cm signal, and observe how its intensity, averaged over the sky, varies with redshift. In turn, this variation should allow us to infer which astrophysical processes were responsible for heating the intergalactic medium and contributing to the formation of the first galaxies ("Constraining the unexplored period between reionization and the dark ages with observations of the global 21 cm signal").
We are currently in the process of developing an experiment called RHINO that can make measurements of this "21cm global signal". It is consciously designed to have very different instrumental properties to other experiments that target the same signal (e.g. "An absorption profile centred at 78 megahertz in the sky-averaged spectrum", "On the detection of a cosmic dawn signal in the radio background", "The REACH radiometer for detecting the 21-cm hydrogen signal from redshift 7.5 to 28" ). As such, we need to make new simulations of the radio antenna and its performance, test different calibration and foreground removal strategies, monitor radio frequency interference, and build a prototype antenna and receiver system.
This project will give you the option of working on simulations, theoretical predictions, and/or hardware design and testing, according to your interests. You should ideally have some familiarity with Python or Matlab.
Combining SKAO pre-cursor data in the context of HI intensity mapping
Supervisors: Keith Grainge, Laura Wolz
The SKA Observatory is a large radio observatory currently under construction with a myriad of science objectives, one of them measuring the large-scale structure via neutral hydrogen (HI) intensity mapping. These maps can used to measure the expansion rate of the Universe if observational effects such as removal of Galactic foregrounds and beam convolution can be controlled.
The SKAMPI telescope is a prototype dish for the SKA-MID array, located in the Karoo desert in South Africa. It is equipped with a receiver working at 2.5 GHz and has been used to produce a radio map of the southern sky. This makes it an excellent complement to the MeerKLASS survey which uses the MeerKAT telescope, located at the same site, to map the sky at lower frequencies between 580 – 1670 MHz.
In this project we seek to combine these two data sets with the particular aim of being able to model the large scale Galactic synchrotron radiation. Additionally, we will investigate how data from different types of instruments can be combined in a coherent way which is essential preparation for up-coming SKAO surveys in the next decade.
Finding the first galaxies to Form in the Universe with JWST
Supervisor: Chris Conselice
This project will focus on discovering the earliest galaxies that formed in the universe and measuring their basic properties with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). Astronomers have long sought to find the earliest galaxies and to use them to determine how galaxies first formed. We can currently see galaxies back to when the universe was around 500 Million years old. We are, however, still learning about these galaxies and their basic properties such as their masses, sizes, and luminosities.
This project will use new and simulated data to search for and locate massive galaxies in the first billion years of the universe's history using JWST imaging. The project will involve using this imaging to discover these systems and then to make catalogues of objects. From this it will be possible to measure the masses of these galaxies and their number densities, putting constraints on the formation and galaxies and their role in the evolution of the universe.
Once we have identified the candidate distant galaxies using the Webb imaging, the student will characterise these systems in terms of the number of galaxies, their sizes, star formation rates, and masses. From this data, we can compare with theory to determine the processes driving the earliest galaxy formation.
This project can be done with a computer using preferably python coding.
The number of advanced civilizations in our galaxy
Supervisor: Prof Chris Conselice
Abstract: This project will investigate the number of potential advanced civilizations in our galaxy through the Astrophysical Copernican principle approach. This idea is that life forms on other planets in a similar way as on our own planet, Earth. The major downside to this approach is the lifetime of a typical civilization. We only have one instance of an intelligent civilization, our own, and we do not have a good idea of how long our civilization may last, nor if it is typical. This project will investigate this question using a variety of techniques, including the extinction of humans on earth and the likely lifespan of our species using a variety of approaches. From this, the average lifetime of a civilization can be calculated from which the average number of extraterrestrial civilizations with active technology will be calculated.
Reference: The Astrobiological Copernican Weak and Strong Limits for Intelligent Life.
Rotation measure structure of large DRAGNs in POSSUM Pilot II
Supervisor: Paddy Leahy
POSSUM is one of several surveys being conducted with the ASKAP telescope, which is revolutionary in that it is the first aperture synthesis telescope equipped with “PAFs”, essentially the radio equivalent of a CCD chip. This gives it a very large field of view for a high-frequency telescope, about 36 square degrees, about 150 times more sky area than visible to the VLA at any one time. This makes it ideal for large, deep radio surveys, and POSSUM will cover 75% of the sky, in full polarization and over a 300 MHz bandwidth. POSSUM is an international project and is currently in its pilot phase. Its aim is to measure Faraday rotation, which depends on the magnetic field between the radio source and the Earth. There are all sorts of specific science goals but this MSc project is to study the magnetic field immediately surrounding the radio lobes of radio galaxies. These lobes are bubbles of relativistic plasma embedded in the 100-million kelvin gas that surround galaxies, especially in clusters of galaxies. We can isolate the magnetic fields in this gas from the rest of the line of sight because the field direction and strength, and hence the amount of Faraday rotation, varies with position across the lobes. The best targets are the radio lobes with largest apparent size, > 5 arcmin, for which ASKAP gives detailed maps. Typically there are only one or two objects so large in each ASKAP field. In 2021-2 POSSUM isl carrying out “Phase II pilot” observations of about 10 fields, which should yield 10 to 15 objects to analyse for the project. Routine data analysis is done automatically for the whole survey, so you will start with calibrated images. Your job is:
- To find a well-defined group of targets to analyse, by inspecting the images: these objects are so big that they don’t show up in automatic catalogues: they tend to be registered as several different sources and are most easily recognised by eye. The images are BIG, so this will take a week or two, plus probably a week or so of training.
- Do some literature research on each object: most of them will be known AGNs, with basic data catalogued such as magnitude of the galaxy and in many cases a redshift and therefore distance. Typically there is not much known about the radio source itself, although there are some exceptions which have been the subject of earlier studies.
- For each target, extract a cut-out from the data “cube” of maps at 288 different frequencies, including the target and some empty sky surrounding it to analyse the noise properties, and run the POSSUM RMTools code to make a Faraday analysis of the cutout. This yields maps showing the Faraday Rotation Measure (RM) in each pixel, along with estimates of the intrinsic polarization direction, fractional polarization, and information about the spread of RM within the pixel (“Faraday dispersion”).
- The hard bit is then to try to make sense of the results. You will look for patterns, e.g. marked asymmetry between the RMs of the two lobes (Laing-Garrington effect), which is likely due to the lobe on the far side of the galaxy having more gas in front of it, and there are also claims of systematic ripples in RM across each lobe, although these are not always seen. We can do some pencil-and-paper theoretical analysis to assess proposed explanations, such as the numerical simulations by Hardcastle and Krause. The overall aim is to learn more about the magnetic fields in the intergalactic gas and how that interacts with the jets from the AGN.
Statistical models of the sub-GHz radio sky
Supervisors: Phil Bull and Zheng Zhang
The low-frequency radio sky is dominated by synchrotron emission from our own Galaxy, but also harbours components such as clustered extragalactic sources and an unresolved background emission. The latter appears to be unexpectedly large, with recent experiments such as ARCADE-2 and LWA both finding an excess in emission over the predictions of source population models.
Existing "global" sky models, which attempt to capture all of the sources of diffuse radio emission and model their spatial and spectral behaviour over the whole sky, suffer from a particular difficulty -- they inherit the imperfections of the legacy datasets that are used to fit the models. This makes it difficult to separate the Galactic, extragalactic, and background contributions in a robust way. In some cases, the systematic errors on these datasets is thought to exceed 10%, making the modelling error potentially very large. Nevertheless, global sky models are often used to calibrate sensitive datasets such as 21cm intensity maps. Correcting the sky models is therefore vital to many scientific applications.
In this project, you will work with a Python code that implements a Bayesian approach to constructing global sky models. This allows uncertainties and model errors to be statistically marginalised over, which in principle can help identify issues with the constituent sky maps, and correct for them in a self-consistent way. There are many different ways of defining the sky and systematic effect models, and so we will identify some interesting cases, implement them in the model, and run the code to see what the model says about the real data.
This project requires a moderate level of proficiency in Python programming, and will combine data analysis, Bayesian statistics, and high-performance computing. You will be able to decide how much emphasis to place on building physical models of the emission versus models of instrumental effects.
Towards making the most sensitive radio receivers for radio-astronomy
Supervisors: Lucio Piccirillo, Mark McCulloch
After almost 100 years since the beginning of radio-astronomy, the field has experienced a huge technological surge in terms of capability of detecting weaker and weaker radio signals, with higher spatial resolution and broader spectral coverage. Technology has improved in terms of imaging capabilities especially with big interferometers - like ALMA - or many imaging arrays at the focal plane of single telescopes. Modern radio astronomy has improved mostly in terms of larger and larger instruments (FAST as a single dish and SKA as interferometer, just to cite two examples). A corresponding improvement in the noise of the radio receiver has not happened mostly because amplification systems are not fully optimized for radio-astronomy.
It is well known that any coherent amplifier has an unavoidable intrinsic noise dictated by quantum mechanics: the noise in any coherent amplifier cannot be less than the so called “quantum noise” which is of the order of hv/2k. Current best amplifiers are at the level of 5-10 times this noise. In this project, we attack the problem of further reducing the noise in High Electron Mobility Transistors, which are the base of a very popular transistor in use in radio astronomy, by researching the causes of the extra noise with the aim of approaching further the quantum noise limit.
The student will be integrated into a research laboratory where he/she will work with other students and staff and will be involved mostly in experimental physics.
The student will learn a set of experimental skills about the fundamentals of radio astronomy electronics, low temperature physics, vacuum techniques and quantum noise in non-linear systems.
Impact of RFI on the cosmological HI intensity mapping signal
Supervisors: Laura Wolz and Keith Grainge
Intensity Mapping of the Neutral Hydrogen gas (HI) is a new cosmological survey type to observe the matter distribution. It uses the integrated 21cm emission of the HI gas in the radio wavelength to map the largest scales of the matter distribution with radio telescopes. The resulting HI intensity maps trace the underlying structure and therefore can be used to test cosmology, for example, by measuring the expansion rate of the Universe via Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) detection.
The South African Square Kilometre Array pathfinder MeerKAT is an interferometric array consisting of 64 dishes, which can be used in so-called single dish mode for HI intensity mapping observations. There are many observational challenges to overcome in order to detect the HI signal, such as subtracting astrophysical foregrounds and terrestrial radio frequency interference (RFI). In this project, we will examine the RFI present in the pilot HI intensity mapping data from MeerKAT in order to understand its statistical properties. We will then model the RFI in telescope simulations and test different methods to subtract them.
We will investigate the impact of the RFI properties and removal methods on the resulting HI intensity maps and the cosmological constraints.
Some programming experience in python or similar is essential, background in radio astronomy desirable.